Perhaps you’ve noticed that, well, things have been a bit quiet here on the blog lately. My apologies for that. I’m a happy to say, though, that there is good reason for it….we have moved! Yep, after well over a year of serious looking (and much longer than that in the thinking and figuring and getting serious phase), we finally found what we were looking for–more land, not crazy expensive, and not too far from Portland. We are absolutely thrilled being here, and feel so fortunate.
I’ll tell you more about our new place soon, but before I get to that I want to back up to some of the food and garden highlights of our late summer and early fall–stuff that I just didn’t get an opportunity to share during the craziness of our move these past few of months.
There are so many things that made me smile… are just a few (in no particular order):
1.) The green bean plants finally produced (in late august and early september!)–after being munched to the ground by a wood chuck and replanted in early July. I was quite sure that we weren’t going to get any beans this year, but we did!
2.) Ian loves arugula…..who knew!?!
3.) Ben scabbed together an ingenious back-of-the-car garbage can watering solution for us. It was for our community garden plot, which has no running water available. We were determined this year to give our garden enough to drink without having to cart sloshing five-gallon buckets of water around in the back of the car, like we did the year before. Once I figured out how to get the garbage can to not tip out of the back of the car (which it did once, while full ) it totally saved us during the hot spells!
4.) A lovely, al fresco family meal for Connor’s 5th birthday, complete with his favorite carrot cake.
5.) Saturday mornings at the Portland farmer’s market…..returning empty cartons to our favorite egg vendor, being silly amidst the corn, splashing around in the nearby wading pool….
6.) Evening waterings at our community garden plot. After hot, busy days, these cooler, quieter moments in the garden were such a treat. And the sunsets were amazing.
7.) A bountiful garden and lots of “help” from little ones….
8.) Amidst the usual fighting and playing and crying and and general wildness, a brief moment of brotherly love…..
10.) Our first meal at our new home! My parents brought over pizza for dinner on move-in day. We are so thankful to be here!
July 27th, 2014 at 07:22