This summer has a been a busy one for sure….short on hiking and gardening and swimming and many of our other beloved summer pursuits, unfortunately, but at the same time very rewarding and exciting. Since April I’ve been working on a canning and preserving cookbook, and the summer was particularly intense with writing, developing recipes, and testing them. The book , to be published by Fairwinds Press and due out next June, is a branded cookbook for Pomona’s pectin. If you’ve read my jam-making posts, you may have noticed that I’m a huge fan of Pomona’s, and I so I am thrilled to have the opportunity to write this book and to collaborate with the folks at Pomona’s–they have really been a joy to work with. I recently finished the manuscript and recipes, and the editors and I, along with the folks at Pomonas, are in the process of editing and finalizing things, and the photography and design is underway….so, things are coming along! I’ll keep you in the loop as things progress, but in the mean time here are a few photos to give you a glimpse of what I’ve been up to these past few months!
July 26th, 2014 at 13:57