I’ve been wanting to make a gingerbread house with the boys for years, and we finally did it! It was such a fun project. It’s not hard, but there are definitely a number steps involved, and with the boys doing much of the work themselves, each step took quite a while! But, that actually ended up working really well for us, as it allowed us to spread out the project over the course of about two weeks, and not feel rushed. We cut out the cardboard patterns and made the dough one day, rolled out, cut out and cooked the dough another day, made the icing/glue on a third day, assembled and glued together the house on a fourth day, and finally, on yet another day–the absolute favorite day of all–we decorated the house! It ended up being such a fun way for us to spend time together during the holiday season. In case you’re wondering what the dark object sitting on the tin foil inside the house in the picture below is, it’s a bed. Connor was adamant that there needed to be a bed inside the house, so he made one out of extra gingerbread dough, and since we all agreed that it wouldn’t be able to fit through the door after the house was assembled, in went the bed just before the roof went on. We also had fun making pomander balls with oranges and cloves. I so love all of this holiday making!
Happiest of holidays to you and yours!
July 29th, 2014 at 02:08