Remember the vegetable triaging (as it were) going on around here earlier this fall? We’ll, I’m finally getting to the last of the cold-hardy veggies that have been hanging out in the ground by themselves for the past month or so, waiting for a little love, and getting sweeter all the while. Thank goodness they are able to wait, as it certainly helped ease the time crunch earlier in the harvest season. And truthfully, I love them all the more for their patient nature. In late October and early Novemeber the boys and I dug our carrots, turnips, parsnips and beets, and pulled all of the cabbages and brussels sprouts. I suppose I have a special fondness for the cabbages and brussels, as I never cease to be amazed at how awesomely beautiful they are as plants, and how crazily huge and strong they are. Connor is pretty strong for a 6 year old, but he couldn’t even come close to pulling the brussels sprout plants out of the ground, and even I had to work pretty hard at it. And getting the roots off of the bottom of the stalks? For me, that job takes a hatchet. Indeed, they are strong, patient,and resilient….oh, and of course, awesomely delicious.
July 26th, 2014 at 15:07