Ben almost always cooks on the weekends–usually making our family dinners for both Saturday and Sunday nights. Not that we ever planned it this way specifically. Rather, I think this evolved out of Ben trying to give me a break from making meals every night, along with the fact that he’s just always loved to cook. When I was working full time outside the house before having kids, we would both cook in the evenings–him probably more than me. He’s always been an excellent cook, and he tends to be fast and efficient, where as I am definitely on the slow side. Now that my outside work is more sporadic, and I’m home a lot with the boys, I’m usually the one who cooks weeknight meals (except, of course, when I’ve had one of those days, and then Ben comes home and whips up one of his signature “quick dinners”). I think Ben misses cooking during the week to some degree, and so on the weekends he really gets into it, cooking up all sorts of creative, often time-intensive meals. Last weekend, he made vegetarian sushi–and the boys helped out. They had a blast cooking with Dad, I got a little time to myself, and the meal was delicious–what could be better than that?
July 27th, 2014 at 14:52