There’s a lot of outdoor work going on around here these days. We’ve been preparing our current garden for planting, along with making some new beds, where we’ve just put in raspberries, high-bush blueberries, grapes, and asparagus. Ben got several trailer-loads of manure, which hopefully will give our soil some much needed help. The boys had fun helping Ben bring tractor-bucket loads of manure from the dumping spot in our driveway down to the garden, helping me transplant a youngish grape vine and some older blueberry bushes to new and better spots, and helping me plant all the new fruit (or rather, the tiny, unimpressive-looking woody stems and roots that hopefully someday will bear bountifully). Hard work for sure, and so satisfying to see our outdoor space slowly moving towards how we’ve long envisioned it. But did I mention slowly? Oh yes–very slowly indeed. Perhaps we’ll have some fruit in, say, a few years, more or less, if we’re lucky? I can wait patiently–I really can.
June 12th, 2014 at 18:33