I can’t seem to help myself when it comes to local pick-your-own fruit. Even though we’re planning to buy a lot of blueberries in bulk this year–the small, low-bush variety that grow wild in barrens across much of the state-I’ve been hoping for a chance to do some of our own picking as well. The low-bush variety are usually harvested with a rake, and don’t lend themselves well to hand-picking generally speaking. I suppose there might be some pick-your-own low-bush blueberry places in Maine, but if so, I haven’t come across them. So, yesterday we decided to check out a local pick-your-own high bush blueberry place called Estes Farm. It was a stiflingly hot day, but a beautiful one none-the-less, and when we got to Estes we were greeted with a lovely, gentle breeze that toned down the heat just a touch. The farm is on a beautiful piece of land, and we followed a small farm road through a large field and past a pond to a lovely corner of the property cultivated with high bush blueberry plants. The large bushes were heavy with big, round, blue-ish-purple fruits. The picking was easy, even for even for small hands, and we went home with lots for fresh eating–and plenty for the freezer as well.
July 30th, 2014 at 07:01